Not only does it sound like a cool adventure, but…I’ve actually been to Nairobi. Believe it or not, that’s where the Hubs and I honeymooned. We safaried in Kenya, stayed on the beach in Zanzibar, off the coast of Tanzania, and throughout the trip, Nairobi was our home base.
I. Love. Africa. I can barley see because of my envy.
Though I am jealous squared, I’m also immensely proud of both of my Pops and Mom from going through with this crazy assignment.
What? I’m raging with hormones. I can, will, and do swing from one side of the emotional spectrum to the other. Sue me.
Anyway, I know this can’t be easy for them:
- The Pops is halfway around the globe in a glorious third world country; Mom is in Ohio which isn’t exactly where she’d like to be.
- Internet connections don’t always work in Africa. Same goes for television, electricity, hot water and all recognizable traffic laws.
- They will have no physical contact with their spouse for a long while. (And that, dear (two) readers, is as far as I can go with that without getting a mental picture.)
I know I can’t make the days easier or the hours go by faster, but I can share this quote from a woman who deeply and truly loved Kenya that may help a twinge:
- “When you have a great and difficult task, something perhaps almost impossible, if you only work a little at a time, every day a little, suddenly the work will finish itself.”
—Baroness Karen Blixen, Danish writer known for Out of Africa. Karen’s home is preserved and now a museum in the foothills of the Ngong (Knuckle) Hills in Nairobi. The Hubs and I visited there on our honeymoon. The house, and this quote, kick ass.