Though I left the blog to collect virtual spiderwebs, I was able to stifle my Catholic guilt by remembering my (three) readers also stalk me on Facebook so they would get their fix as needed. Also, it couldn't hurt that I tossed my first born son into a vat of holy water.
I'm still on borrowed time (I mean, a nanny ain't gonna hire him/herself) so I'll leave you with a few videos of our dear, sweet, perfect, handsome, occasionally-fussy-even-though-he's-fed-changed-burped-and-rested, amazing son.
He's a bit camera shy. I'm secretly hoping this means he won't grow up to be a tween who vlogs about what he had for lunch.
Trying to get a smile at 6.5 weeks
Oliver learning to "talk" at 7 weeks
Working on crawling at almost 12 weeks
Oh. Please forgive my annoying voice in all the videos. Moreover, pray for Oliver as he's the one that has to listen to it all day long and for the rest of his life. Kid's got it rough.
Wow, he's getting big in a rush! That is some pretty impressive movement in the last video. Strong little guy!