Friday, May 7, 2010

Ninakupenda, Kenya

I am crazy-out-of-my-mind jealous that the Pops (aka, Dad/Randy) is in Nairobi right now. He’s on a three to six month assignment for the big conglomerate. (Yes—the Pops and I work for the same mega company.)

Not only does it sound like a cool adventure, but…I’ve actually been to Nairobi. Believe it or not, that’s where the Hubs and I honeymooned. We safaried in Kenya, stayed on the beach in Zanzibar, off the coast of Tanzania, and throughout the trip, Nairobi was our home base.

I. Love. Africa. I can barley see because of my envy.

Though I am jealous squared, I’m also immensely proud of both of my Pops and Mom from going through with this crazy assignment.

What? I’m raging with hormones. I can, will, and do swing from one side of the emotional spectrum to the other. Sue me.

Anyway, I know this can’t be easy for them:
  • The Pops is halfway around the globe in a glorious third world country; Mom is in Ohio which isn’t exactly where she’d like to be.
  • Internet connections don’t always work in Africa. Same goes for television, electricity, hot water and all recognizable traffic laws.
  • They will have no physical contact with their spouse for a long while. (And that, dear (two) readers, is as far as I can go with that without getting a mental picture.)
But, whether they see it at the moment or not, they are having this adventure together, on two different continents. Sufficed to say, I am proud of them as individuals and as a couple.

I know I can’t make the days easier or the hours go by faster, but I can share this quote from a woman who deeply and truly loved Kenya that may help a twinge:

    “When you have a great and difficult task, something perhaps almost impossible, if you only work a little at a time, every day a little, suddenly the work will finish itself.”

    —Baroness Karen Blixen, Danish writer known for Out of Africa. Karen’s home is preserved and now a museum in the foothills of the Ngong (Knuckle) Hills in Nairobi. The Hubs and I visited there on our honeymoon. The house, and this quote, kick ass.
Well said, Baroness. Asante sana.


  1. excellent comment which I think I will steal and say daily to my Clients. Proud of you too

  2. You know, now that I've found your blog, it's my turn to nag you about posting more often. :)
